Matthew Boland

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2 powerful videos on the Refugee Crisis

With all the international refugee crises happening in the world today, its amazing how people in Western culture can effetively shut out the news coming from Syria, Africa, Sri Lanka, Burma, and countless other places where there is a tragic refugee crisis that no one seems to have the passion nor energy to see some sought of global solution to help and support the millions fleeing persecution. 

Here in Australia, instead of having discussions focused on how we as one of the richest nations on earth can help to respond to the crisis, we find ourselves debating: "the end of muslim immigration", "tough border protection", "selective immigration and refugee resettlement programs".  It's a shame because Australia used to lead the world when it came to responding to humanitarian crisis, look at our response to the Vietnamese boat people crisis at the end of the Vietnam war as a recent example.

One question that often is not asked as we smugly dictate how we respond to refugees is that of "What will happen if we find ourselves in the same situation"? "How would we like the world to respond if we are caught up in a civil war"?

These 2 videos artfully portray a world where white people flee persecution. How would we expect the world to react?